During the pandemic, one of Mexico’s largest banks, with over 2,000 branches, faced the challenge of reducing costs and becoming sustainable while adapting its operations to fewer branches, adhering to social distancing guidelines and air quality standards.
Ran a pilot test to optimize air conditioning usage and save energy by using IoT technology and smart thermostats controlled by API.

Banca Comercial

The web platform and ChatBot developed by S2G Energy allowed users to control and monitor the system in real time, assisting them in making improvements in their operations without impacting customer comfort.


The static and fixed configuration of the air conditioning system and other significant electrical loads in over 2,000 bank branches was a challenge. This became more visible during the pandemic when the bank had to adapt its operations and schedules nationwide according to the regulations of each state. All this was done without compromising customer comfort and with the aim of reducing operational costs.


Implemented in 4 branches

Impacto 1

Economic savings of $227k Mexican pesos (MXN) in 10 months

Impacto 2

19% energy savings in operations compared to the previous year

Impacto 3


Termostatos Inteligentes

Installation of API-controlled smart thermostats and IoT sensors for energy consumption measurement, aiming to monitor and optimize the HVAC system’s energy usage, resulting in savings of up to 20%.

Control remoto del sistema HVAC

Development of a remote control platform for the HVAC system via a web platform and Chatbot. Equipment benchmarking, asset management with energy consumption visualizations, and real-time system HVAC setpoints across different branches.

Set-points de temperatura interna

Dynamic standardization of internal temperature set-points using learning algorithms considering changes in operational schedules and atmospheric variables to optimize energy consumption, while always maintaining internal comfort in the branches.


Verification of impact through adaptive energy management, yielding an average savings of 19% compared to the baseline. Sensitivity of potential energy savings at a business scale.

Intelligent maintenance, alert of anomalies in energy consumption quality in critical equipment to prevent failures. Also, mitigating costs for physical HVAC equipment check-ups due to the ability to remotely control and visualize equipment statuses.

Development of annual budget for energy resource expenses and the corresponding savings potential. Reconciling branch expenditures and providing inputs for budget development.